Averrhoa Bilimbi ,commonly known as
bilimbi,curcumber tree or tree sorrel, is a fruit-bearing tree .It is a close relative to carambola tree.The tree as well as fruit is popular by different names in different languages. Bilimbi is quite different in its physical appearance , flavor and uses than that of carambola (Star Fruit) . In Malaya , this is termed as Belimbing asam and in Indonesia , it is Blimbing wuluh . This exceptional exotic fruit is highly popular in Thailand and Singapore . It is a rare plant and few growers produce them .
                  Bilimbi fruit is very crunchy when unripe and it turns from bright -green to yellowish-green
,when it is ripe .The flush will be greenish-white in color which will be very juice and extremely sour .
                  Bilimbi or tree sorrel is widely available in Kerala and is known as Irumban puli in Malayalam . Used to make pickles , squashes and even wine . It has many medicinal purposes because of its high acidic properties .
                  Bilimbi Juice is used medicinally throughout Asia . The fruit juice has a high concentration of oxalic acid , which is useful for cleaning and bleaching . Infused leaf of bilimbi can be used for cough . While
leaf decoction can give soothe to rectal inflammation .
                  The leaves of bilimbi tree are also used as a treatment relief for skin itches , swelling of mumps and rheumatism . It can also be a good alternative remedy for insect and animal bites.Syrup made from Bilimbi fruit is taken as a cure for fever and inflammation and to stop rectal bleeding and alleviate internal haemorrhoids .

Nutritional value for 100g of edible portion.

Bilimbi is a nutrition-packed , starchy fruit . It is a rich source of Vitamin C . Other than the vitamins and minerals , the fruit also consist of fibre , ash , protein and moisture as well as minerals .

Calcium                          3.4mg
Phosphorous                  11.1mg
Riboflavin                       0.026mg
Carotene                        0.035mg
Niacin                             0.302mg
Moisture                          95mg
Iron                                 1.01mg
Calcium                           3.5mg
Thiamine                         0.010mg
Ash                                 0.30 - 0.40mg
Fiber                               0.6mg
Protein                            0.61g
Ascorbic acid                  15.5mg


Bilimbi Facts

  • The fruit juice has a high concentration of oxalic acid which is useful for cleaning and bleaching.
  • The fruit is generally regarded as too acid for eating raw so are used extensively in soups , sauces , carries etc.
  • Bilimbi tree bears hundreds of fruit every year.
  • Bilimbi should not be eaten raw .
  • The flowers of bilimbi tree are sometimes conserved in sugar .
  • There is a sweet variety of bilimbi in the Philippines where the sour bilimbi are called Kamias , while the sweet variety is called balimbing .
  • The fruits are available throughout the year .
  • The tree bears hundreds of fruits per year .
  • Bilimbi is preserved by sun-drying , the sun dried bibimbi is called as asam santi .


The tree as well as the fruit is used for several purposes.

Edible uses

  • The juice of this fruit is tangy and refreshing .
  • Apart from that , bilimbi is used as a spice in cooking delicious and appetizing curries .
  • It is used instead of mango for preparing chutney and is preserved .

Other uses

  • The wood is frequently used in carpentry .
  • The fruit juice has high concentration of oxalic acid , used for bleaching .

Health Benefits

Bilimbi offers some of the best health benefits . The fruit is popular world wide for its sour flavor and is also used as a spice in cooking some of the seasonal dishes .
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties .
  • It is advised for treating high blood pressure and the treatment is quite effective .
  • For reducing the pain in the cavities , cucumber tree is used .
  • The juice extracted from bilimbi fruit is effectve in eliminating cough .
  • The fruit is good for rheumatism .
  • It is effective in treating acne .

Medicinal Benefits in Bilimbi

  • The leaves of bilimbi are used as a treatment for venereal disease .
  • The leaves are also used for treating cold and cough .
  • The flower infusion is used for thrush , cold and cough .
  • The fruit seems to be effective against cough and thrush .
  • It fights against cholesterol and is used as a tonic and laxative .
  • The fruit is also known to control internal bleeding in the stomach .
  • The leaves serve as a paste on itches , swelling , mumps or skin eruption .
  • Syrup made from Bilimbi is a cure for fever and inflammation .
  • The fruit conserve is administered as a treatment for cough , beri-beri , and biliousness .
  • The leaves have hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities .
  • The leaves and fruit extract is an effective antibacterial against Escherichia coli ,Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enteritidis .
Bilimbi possesses anti-diabetic , anti-hypertensive ,anti-thrombotic , hypolipidemic , hepetoprotective , anticancer , and wound healing effects due to its strong anti-oxidative , anti-inflammatory , and anti-microbial properties . It was found to show significant hypoglycemic as well as its anti-oxidative property which can be used against the oxidative stress and consecutive heart disease , stroke , cancer , and liver damage .

During Pregnancy

One can have the fresh figs during pregnancy but in less proportion . not much is known about the fact .

Side Effects

Averrhoa bilimbi 's fruit contains a large amount of oxalic acid .Excessive consumption of the fruit juice can lead to increased serum oxalate level and accumulation of calcium oxalate crystals in renal tubules which can cause acute kidney failure .
Consumption of bilimbi is good for our health but over consumption can lead to digestion problems .


Bilimbi fruit should be stored under cold storage . Storing in cool place will keep the fruit fresh for 2-3 days . Bilimbi should be preserved in sun-drying .


Bilimbi is a popular fruit and is available in fruit markets at a reasonable price . Bilimbi is available throughout the year . It is available online as well .

1 comment:

  1. I am 18 weeks pregnant and I noticed that after I ate few amounts of this fruit my baby stops moving or kicking. Am a bit worried :(
