Sunday 23 April 2017


                    Nowadays most of the parents prefer to send their children in English medium school than Malayalam medium school . One of the main reasons for this is the lack of good infrastructure in government schools . Though government provides high qualified teachers , teacher - student ratio is very high . The atmosphere and other technological facilities are poor in government schools . Transport facilities also becomes a hindrance for admitting students into Malayalam medium schools .
                   Children at large are taking admission in private schools . It is widely accepted that private schools are imparting better quality education than government schools . It is very unpleasant to say that even government teachers prefer private schools for their children . Though it is an individual right to choose better
education for their children but the question is why government schools cannot impart quality education . The government of India is allocating thousands of cores of rupees for improvement of education in the country , but everything is going to in vain . No one is bothering about decreased student enrollment in government schools .
                   Parents send their children into English medium schools because English today have become the must of the society . By studying English they can easily outshine others . But it is a wrong notion children study in English medium are faring well when compared to the children study in regional languages . Intelligence of a student does not related to the medium of instruction , it is revealed that students who study in regional languages fore better when compared to the student of English medium .
                 Sometimes parents do over emphasize English language . They  link standard of teachers in English medium far better than government run schools . Computer education and number of extra - curricular activities are better in English medium schools . But economically weaker sections of society cannot afford an English medium school for their children . We can believe that the decreasing student enrollment in government schools is the failure of our education system .
                 Declining the enrollment of students in government schools have many reasons . Some shift to private schools might be largely related to the poor quality of education offered in government schools , since it is free or offered for a nominal fee . It is disclosed that most of the government schools in India lack basic facilities of toilets and drinking water .In case a student wants to go to toilet he goes back home .It is one of the biggest reasons for high drop out rate of girl students . Many of the government schools even do not have a good play ground . Students do not get much attention from teachers as the ratio between students and teachers are high . These are the some of the reason for the collapse and failure to produce results and how private schools prove themselves better as compared to government schools .
                 Some have the opinion that medium of instruction at school level has to be in mother tongue . Which is well accepted perhaps , no where in the world , other than Mahatma Gandhi , Tagore and such other great personalities have always stood for education through mother tongue .
                A child grows seeing and understanding things his mother tongue .So it is only natural that he understands things better through that medium . English is foreign to him . He has to understand the language first , then only he can understand the contents . Examples presented through English medium mat not be familiar to him . Only through pictures he can see them . But example from mother tongue will be something which he finds daily around him .
                We will not be a reason in spoiling the life of children . It is an advice to parents that shifting to private schools will not solve the issue . By knowing any kind of shortcoming related to education , you have to raise your voice . It might be against teachers , education officers or sometimes directors .Without doing all these , if we run behind the private schools than once all government schools will be vanished , which will create adverse impact on the Indian system of education . Quality of education needs to be improved in these schools . So that parents needs not face big holes in these pockets by paying fat school fees . 

Tuesday 28 March 2017


             How to use leisure time is a serious matter in our new generation. Everybody get much leisure time in their life .But,how to use it effectively is a great problem.
            There are people use their leisure time in making money,farming,gardening,visiting tourist places and observing natural beauty, writing,painting,hunting and serving society by helping poor, helpless and bed ridden.But nowadays most young people using their leisure time sitting in front of media. It is extremely differ from the old generation in the method of spending leisure time.Who spent their most time in agriculture and farming ,which made them better result for both their mental and physical health.But the way of spending leisure time in new generation is socially influenced.Most of them are influenced by their peer and parental attitudes,which do not give them much pleasure.
              We must have a freedom and entertainment in our leisure activities.Media gives entertainment in us such as television programs and usage of internet. Spending much more time in front of media affects in physical and mental illness.
              Influence of media badly affect children physiologically is a very important fact. And it is very important for physicians to discuss with parents their child's exposure to media and to provide guidance on age-appropriate use of all media.Parents should pursue their children in spending time in reading good books,which give them everlasting experiences.Outdoor experience also have better results in them than sitting in front of media.
              I think many understimate just how important their leisure time time is.As hard-working people ,it might seem strange and self-indulgent to take play time so seriously.
              Remember that leisure is not laziness.We all need time to unwind ,but that time needs to be well-spend on engaging yet 'pointless' activities and useless skills.
Spending of leisure time must be a useful one ,which gives as physically and mentally good condition. And not make us a patient.
"Well-spent leisure time makes life more fun".

Use your leisure time for,

  • Make some money
  • Clean up your belongings
  • Revisit your favorite study materials
  • Plan your important goals
  • Call up your old time buddies
  • Finish your due task
  • Find out good hobby
  • Keep your interesting in earning you at your spare time
  • Read books
  • Stay healthy

Health Benefits of having Leisure Activities

  • Enhance the immune system
  • Improve flexibility
  • Improve memory
  • Reduce stress 
  • Improve self esteem
  • Better quality sleep

THERE WILL BE SLEEPING ENOUGH IN THE GRAVE                                                                                    -Benjamin Franklin

THE END OF LABOR IS TO GAIN LEISURE                                                                         -Aristotle

LEISURE IS THE MOTHER OF PHILOSOPHY                                                                  -Thomas Hobbes

LEISURE IS THE HANDMAIDEN OF THE DEVIL                                                                                 -Branch Rickey

LIFE MUST BE LIVED AS PLAY                                                        -Plato

Wednesday 22 March 2017


            Discipline is one of the greatest human virtues. it is of immense important in the life of an individual or society or nation. It is very essential for success in our field of activities.Without discipline,nothing will last; it will end up only in disorder and chaos.
            Man has many talents. Only disciplined persons can utilize this talents and become successful. A disciplined person knows hoe to control himself. He will keep up an order in his work
and life-style.
            What is discipline? It means a trained approach towards activities. Home, social environments and school are the main factors of creating discipline in an individual. Even an intelligent person may not be successful, if he is not disciplined.
             Discipline is necessary to balance work and play. Discipline creates self-confidence and self-esteem, which leads to satisfaction and happiness.Lack of self-discipline can cause failure, health issues, relationship problems and other problems. Using discipline can help one overcome addictions, negative habits, laziness and procrastination.
              Disciplined life helps a man to make use of its abilities in better ways. He is able to give a very good beginning and get the expected result.When a person keeps discipline in his life, he is free from feelings like angry,suspicion from jealousy  and so on.He becomes more polite.
             Our nation needs disciplined men and women for its progress.This is what we aim today and that is why discipline is important.
             Discipline works best when it is self-imposed rather than externally imposed. It ensures progress and advancement in self, families,schools and countries.

  1. Disciplinary guide lines should be in harmony with the ultimate goals of education.
  2. It must be implemented through love and understanding,not through fear.
  3. It should be primarily positive and constructive.
  4. Discipline is not the end,it is rather a means for successful implementation of educational program.
  5. Discipline is something that the teacher helps students to attain,not something that the teacher maintains.
  •      The mind has to be gradually and systematically brought under control.                                   
                                                                  -Swami Vivekananda

  •        Disobedience ,to be civil ,implies discipline,thought,care,attention .
                                                                   -Mahatma Gandhi

  •         Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
                                                                    -Jim Rohn
  •       The whole point is to discipline the mind.
                                                                    -Swami Vivekananda